An Update Regarding the Reopening of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church for Sunday Services
Fellowship will be available Sunday April 3, 2022 before and after church.
Dear Friends of St. Andrew’s,
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
(1) Timeline for Relaxation of COVID-19 Protocols:
Recently, the Session of St. Andrew's adopted the following timeline for the gradual relaxation of the COVID-19 protocols currently in place:
Sunday, April 3, 2022 – Saturday, April 16, 2022
- Masks must continue to be worn while in the building
- Entrance and exit may be made via the front entrance and
elevator entrance
- Greeter at each of these doors will conduct a brief screening
- There will be no Ushers, therefore, those attending may
choose to sit where they wish in the available (i.e. not
roped-off) pews
- There will be no registration for attending worship
- Collection/Foodbank collection will continue to be at the
entrances to the Sanctuary
- Communion will continue to be by individual packages
- Current practise regarding proof of vaccination will remain in
place (no proof on Sunday, proof required Monday-
- Plexiglass barriers will remain on the Organ and the
Communion table
- Coffee time after worship may be available, depending on
volunteer availability.
April 17, 2022 (Easter Sunday) – and moving forward
- All pews in the Sanctuary will be available for seating
- Congregation will be invited to stand to sing, with masks on
- There will be no capacity limits for worship
- All of the measures outlined for April 3, 2022 will continue to
be in place
Session will review these protocols monthly and adjust accordingly.
Thank you for your ongoing patience and cooperation!